The prepare() method in the LibSQL PHP Extension prepares an SQL statement for execution, allowing for parameterized queries and improving performance when executing the same SQL statement multiple times with different parameters.

Method Signature

public function prepare(string $sql): LibSQLStatement|false


  • $sql (string): The SQL statement to prepare for execution.

Return Value

  • LibSQLStatement|false: Returns a prepared statement object if the SQL statement is successfully prepared, or false if an error occurs.


// Create a new LibSQL instance
$db = new LibSQL("database.db");

// Prepare an SQL statement for execution
$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?";
$statement = $db->prepare($sql);

if ($statement) {
    // Execute the prepared statement with parameters
    $result = $statement->query([3]);
} else {
    // Handle error
    echo "Failed to prepare statement.";



  • Use parameterized queries with prepared statements to prevent SQL injection attacks and improve code readability.
  • Prepared statements can be executed multiple times with different parameter values without the need for re-parsing the SQL statement, resulting in better performance.
  • Always check the return value of the prepare method to handle potential errors gracefully.
  • Remember to close database using the close method to release associated resources and prevent memory leaks.