The LibSQLStatement class represents a prepared SQL statement in the LibSQL PHP Extension. It provides methods to execute the prepared statement, retrieve results, and manage parameters.

Class Synopsis

class LibSQLStatement
    // Methods
    public function __construct(string $conn_id, string $sql);
    public function finalize(): void;
    public function execute(array $parameters): int;
    public function query(array $parameters): array;
    public function reset(): void;
    public function parameterCount(): int;
    public function parameterName(int $idx): string;
    public function columns(): array;

Table of Contents

  • __construct(string $conn_id, string $sql): Construct a LibSQLStatement Object.
  • finalize(): void: Finalizes the prepared statement.
  • execute(array $parameters): int: Executes the prepared statement with given parameters and returns the number of affected rows.
  • query(array $parameters): array: Executes the prepared statement and retrieves the result set.
  • reset(): void: Resets the prepared statement.
  • parameterCount(): int: Gets the number of parameters in the prepared statement.
  • parameterName(int $idx): string: Gets the name of a parameter by index.
  • columns(): array: Gets the column names of the result set.


  • __construct(string $conn_id, string $sql): instances are created by LibSQL::prepare().
  • finalize(): Finalizes the prepared statement, releasing any resources associated with it.
  • execute(array $parameters): int: Executes the prepared statement with the specified parameters and returns the number of affected rows.
  • query(array $parameters): array: Executes the prepared statement with the specified parameters and retrieves the result set as an array.
  • reset(): Resets the prepared statement, clearing any previously set parameters or results.
  • parameterCount(): int: Returns the number of parameters in the prepared statement.
  • parameterName(int $idx): string: Returns the name of the parameter at the specified index.
  • columns(): array: Returns an array containing the column names of the result set.


// Creating a new LibSQL instance
$db = new LibSQL("database.db");
$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ? AND age > ?");

// Executing the prepared statement
$affectedRows = $stmt->execute([$param1, $param2]);

// Retrieving the result set
$resultSet = $stmt->query([$param1, $param2]);

// Resetting the prepared statement

// Getting the number of parameters
$paramCount = $stmt->parameterCount();

// Getting the name of a parameter
$paramName = $stmt->parameterName($index);

// Getting the column names of the result set
$columns = $stmt->columns();



Ensure proper error handling and parameter validation when using the LibSQLStatement class to handle potential errors and ensure data integrity.