This document introduces PHP stubs for the libsql_php_extension, designed to provide PHP developers with tools for interacting with libSQL databases. Key components include:

Classes and Their Responsibilities:

  • LibSQLStatement: Represents a prepared SQL statement. It includes methods for binding parameters (named or positional), executing statements, retrieving results, and managing statement lifecycle.
  • LibSQLTransaction: Manages database transactions. It provides methods for executing queries within a transaction, committing, or rolling back changes.
  • LibSQLResult: Handles query results. It allows fetching rows, resetting results, and accessing column metadata (e.g., names, types, counts).
  • LibSQL: Represents a database connection. It supports creating local or remote connections, executing queries or batches, managing transactions, and enabling advanced features like syncing and extension loading.
  • LibSQLIterator: A custom iterator for traversing data, useful for handling result sets.


  • OPEN_READONLY - Specifies read-only mode when opening the database connection.
  • OPEN_READWRITE - Specifies read-write mode when opening the database connection.
  • OPEN_CREATED - Specifies create mode when opening the database connection.
  • LIBSQL_ASSOC - Return associative array.
  • LIBSQL_NUM - Return numerical array
  • LIBSQL_BOTH - Return both associative and numerical array
  • LIBSQL_ALL - Return a result sets
  • LIBSQL_LAZY - Return a result Generator